Галерия татуировки

Открийте уникалността на нашите татуировки и стилове.

A tattoo artist with long hair is working on a client's shoulder under a bright ring light. The client, wearing a pink top and red skirt, appears to be shielding their face with one hand. The room is dimly lit, creating a strong contrast between the lit area and the dark surroundings.
A tattoo artist with long hair is working on a client's shoulder under a bright ring light. The client, wearing a pink top and red skirt, appears to be shielding their face with one hand. The room is dimly lit, creating a strong contrast between the lit area and the dark surroundings.
A tattoo artist is in the process of tattooing a person who appears to be enjoying the experience, giving a thumbs-up sign with a smile. The scene takes place in a dimly lit studio with various tattooing equipment around. The tattooed individual has multiple tattoos and piercings, and is wearing a beanie and glasses. The artist is focused on the work, holding a tattoo machine.
A tattoo artist is in the process of tattooing a person who appears to be enjoying the experience, giving a thumbs-up sign with a smile. The scene takes place in a dimly lit studio with various tattooing equipment around. The tattooed individual has multiple tattoos and piercings, and is wearing a beanie and glasses. The artist is focused on the work, holding a tattoo machine.
A tattooed person is depicted with intricate and geometric designs covering the upper body. A golden halo encircles the head, providing a stark contrast against the dark background, adding an ethereal quality to the image.
A tattooed person is depicted with intricate and geometric designs covering the upper body. A golden halo encircles the head, providing a stark contrast against the dark background, adding an ethereal quality to the image.
A tattooed individual is holding their hands in a mudra gesture. The person is wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a yellow smiley face design. Tattoos cover their arms, neck, and hand, including a skyline on the forearm. The background features purple graffiti-style writing.
A tattooed individual is holding their hands in a mudra gesture. The person is wearing a black sleeveless shirt with a yellow smiley face design. Tattoos cover their arms, neck, and hand, including a skyline on the forearm. The background features purple graffiti-style writing.


Разгледайте уникалните татуировки, създадени от Габриел.

A tattoo artist is in the process of creating a detailed tattoo on a person's back. The artist is wearing black gloves and is holding a tattoo machine wrapped in plastic. There are outlines of intricate designs and patterns visible on the skin, with portions already inked in black.
A tattoo artist is in the process of creating a detailed tattoo on a person's back. The artist is wearing black gloves and is holding a tattoo machine wrapped in plastic. There are outlines of intricate designs and patterns visible on the skin, with portions already inked in black.
Стилове татуировки

Галерията включва разнообразие от стилове, които отразяват индивидуалността на клиента и художествения подход на Габриел. Всеки проект е уникален и носи своя собствена история.

A person is drawing on a tattooed arm with a pen. The tattoo features intricate designs, possibly of a snake or dragon. The hands are focused on the detailing, suggesting precision. The monochromatic tone gives it an artistic and serious atmosphere.
A person is drawing on a tattooed arm with a pen. The tattoo features intricate designs, possibly of a snake or dragon. The hands are focused on the detailing, suggesting precision. The monochromatic tone gives it an artistic and serious atmosphere.
Клиентски отзиви

Доволните клиенти споделят своите впечатления и опит с работата на Габриел, подчертавайки вниманието към детайла и уникалността на всяка татуировка, която е създадена за тях.